One of the reasons that many golfers avoid getting custom fitted for golf equipment is that they think they’re NOT good enough. But the fact is that the least experienced golfers gain the biggest benefits.
An independent study of different golfers being fitted found that the biggest improvements in performance (consistency, accuracy, ball speed and distance) were achieved by golfers struggling to break 100.
The second biggest improved cohort were regular weekend golfers not breaking 90 regularly.
“But I only play the game to get outside with friends and have fun. Why bother?” Almost every golfer playing at our facility is really only recreational. But does that matter?
Fitted equipment that gives you more confidence in your golf game, helps you experience the thrill of more good shots, adds a little more pride in what you’ve accomplished on any day, and adds to the fun in that precious time out on the course.
And it certainly means less frustrations and disappointments.
Take 45 – 60 minutes with us, and we’ll show you how we can make your golf experience better every time you play.