Starting with a brisk walk before you stretch for about 5 minutes will help your muscles relax and get ready to warm up. The aim of dynamic stretching is to get your heartrate up so that your muscle groups can receive increased blood flow. Matt Scott shows in the video below a good warm-up stretching routine.
Here's a quick warm-up before you play or practice. It’s especially useful when you don’t have much time.
According to the Journal of British Sports Medicine, you can add 24% to your clubhead speed with the right 8-week stretching and strength plan. Dynamic stretching plays an important role in this strength plan. Other golf-specific exercises that will help you achieve this include:
Make sure you warm up correctly with the right dynamic golf-specific stretches to get the most out of your game and avoid injury. Let us check your clubhead speed with an assessment before and after 8 weeks of consistent strength training and stretching to see if you can get your clubhead speed up by over 24%!
If you engage in these exercises, you agree that you do so at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself.