When your playing partners think you’re down and out; beaten; it's doubly satisfying when your wedge surprises them and rescues you. It makes the moment. It can make the day. You can fill a year with those moments and days.
What will bring you the most satisfaction this season? Finding more fairways? A more consistent golf swing? Making magic happen with your wedge?
Everyone can learn to make magic with their wedge. Everyone can learn to improve their control over where the ball will land and how far it will roll. Everyone can learn the technique to play from different lies, even the sand, with confidence. You could use the long days to make another short year more magical.
If you want shots to disappear off your scorecard; if you want startled surprise from playing partners and competitors; if you want magical control of the golf ball around the green; if you want any of that, then become a better wedge player from all lies. Forty-five minutes of short-game assessment starts you on a journey to more control and more magic.