Increasing your clubhead speed and distance depends on more than your technique and the clubs you use. Part of improving your golf performance is the work you do at the gym.
Stronger, more developed muscles work together better to keep you balanced. It becomes easier to control your swing and increase your clubhead speed. Without strength and balance of your entire body you’ll struggle to achieve the clubhead speed you need. How’s your clubhead speed at the moment? Not sure? Let’s find out.
A great exercise for whole-body strength and stability is the side plank. Add leg-raise variations for an extra challenge. Remember to keep your core engaged and your neck relaxed.
Focusing on your balance and strength will help you achieve the clubhead speed you need to get to the green in fewer shots. Are you happy with your tee shots and your approach play? If not, let’s change that.
If you engage in these exercises, you agree that you do so at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself.