When you swing, your hips should drive the shot, not your knees or back. One of the best ways to improve your hip rotation is with hip hinge exercises. The Titleist Performance Institute video below shows the active leg lowering exercise – a great way to engage the hip hinge and strengthen your hip joints for a powerful, more accurate golf swing, that you can even practise from home.
Strengthening your hips will have more benefits than you could imagine. If you strengthen your hip muscles correctly, you’ll also strengthen your core, improve your posture, balance, extension, flexion and rotation. With a strong core and good posture, your club will swing correctly around your body, rotate you correctly and improve your balance – creating a powerful, more accurate golf swing.
Does a powerful, more accurate golf swing sound good? Let’s start with an assessment so we can improve your consistency and accuracy with stronger hips.
If you engage in these exercises, you agree that you do so at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself.