What if we told you we could add 24% clubhead speed to your swing? According to The British Journal of Sports Medicine, with the right exercises, you can do just that. There are 8 aspects of exercises to consider if you want to come on this journey with us.
Dynamic (moving) stretches are a great way to warm up before you start your round or strength session. It’ll help reduce your stiffness without compromising your power output. Make sure you’re changed and ready to play before you stretch. You should spend at least 15 minutes warming up.
Every golfer needs strength, balance, flexibility, power and core stability to play consistently. To get the most out of your clubhead speed and your golf, you need to do year-round upper-body strength training. Keep building your foundation with the right exercises for you.
Some of the most common golf injuries are rotator-cuff, lower back or elbow injuries. Strengthening the surrounding muscles with the right exercises, will help you stay injury free and get the most out of your game. 8 weeks of exercises that help with transferring strength and power into your golf swing, will increase your clubhead speed by 24%.
If you don’t do exercises that are designed to strengthen your rotator cuff specifically, you’ll be at higher risk for injury and your game will suffer. Make sure you’re looking after all your muscles you need for a strong, steady swing.
Your core muscles are hugely important for your swing. Not only do they act as the link between your upper and lower body, but it also stabilises your pelvis and spine – important for any movement. Make sure they’re strong enough and you could add up to 24% to your clubhead speed.
Mimicking golf movements in the gym won’t only help you improve your game, it’ll strengthen your muscles and help you generate more power. It can also help to increase your clubhead speed by up to 24% in just 8 weeks, when combined with the right exercises
Static stretches promote muscle relaxation, needed for muscle awareness and a consistent swing. The more your muscles relax, the better surrounding muscles can contract and react when you move. End your strength session with these stretches and you’ll increase your power with every swing.
Recovery is one of the most important aspects of any training. With the right SMRT exercises and a foam roller, you can reduce your risk of injury and keep your muscles flexible, stable and strong.
Why wait? Let’s check your progress with an assessment before and after 8 weeks of consistent strength training and stretching to see if you can get your clubhead speed up by over 24%!
If you engage in these exercises, you agree that you do so at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself.